Child Nutrition Care

Child Nutrition Care

Child Nutrition Care

Children have the right to a caring, defensive terrain and to nutritional food and introductory health care to cover them from illness and promote growth and development.

A youthful child should grow well and gain weight fleetly. From birth to age two, children should be counted everymonth. However, commodity is wrong, If a child has not gained weight for about two months.
Breastmilk alone is the only food and drink an child needs until the age of six months. After six months, the child needs a variety of other foods in addition to breastmilk.
From the age of six months to two times, children need to be fed five times a day, in addition to sustained breastfeeding.
Children need vitamin A to repel illness and help visual impairments. Vitamin A can be set up in numerous fruits and vegetables, canvases , eggs, dairy products, fortified foods, breastmilk, or vitamin A supplements.
Children need iron-rich foods to cover their physical and internal capacities. The stylish sources of iron are liver, spare flesh, fish, eggs and iron- fortified foods or iron supplements.
Iodized swab is essential to help literacy disabilities and delayed development in children.
During an illness, children need to continue to eat regularly.
After an illness, children need at least one redundant mess every day for at least a week.

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